Hello12 spiritual practices that keep me going...What I want to focus on - and I say this mostly out of self-preservation - is the spiritual things and practices that really have helped me carry on this journey. SKYDANC3R was 5 years old in January (I forgot to celebrate..!) so that's a long time to keep gradually building and adding to something as I'm also trying to sort myself out and grow, learn and heal on my side too. Let alone all the work before that - changing my career from communications & startup entrepreneur to DJ & music producer..! eeeeks. Above all - keep the vision, have courage, be tenacious and stay the course. These is just my personal 'toolkit', so if anything helps, great, if not no worries. The most important thing is to work with spiritual people, guides, masters, teachers, etc that you trust, just like any other profession. In no particular order, here are the practices that have kept me going: 1. Meditation. No-brainer. Having meditated for 20+ years now, when I sit on the mat I pretty much snap into a meditative state - call that positive conditioning if you like. Sometimes it may take a few breaths or minutes, but I quickly get to that peaceful state of inner stillness and access to any answers or inspiration I need. Have I spent hours and hours going through the pain and discomfort and dead legs, frustration, mind-whirring, boredom, and irritation (at myself and others)? Definitely. Can I quickly regain my calm and balance? Yes. Is meditation worth the hassle to master? Absolutely. Check out apps such as Insight Timer, or Headspace. 2. Trust in the Universe/God etc. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I want to but just can't 'see' (of course) how things turn out. And then something comes along better than I could have imagined for myself. Or you just hit a rock and have to lift yourself up again. If you are set on a path that is not 'normal' (and even if you are), you probably have some assumption or faith that if you put the work in, you will get something out of it. When you have a more personal vision - then the path is far less obvious and constructed for you, so you need to have more Trust that if you have the vision you will be given the resources and help to execute it. Still working on this one, big time. 3. Trust in Yourself. This leads on from above - maybe you trust in God but not Yourself. Maybe you trust in Yourself but not God (or whatever). Maybe both, maybe neither. We may have people outside who tell us that we cannot do it, or that we can, but what matters most if you think you can do it. Personally, I don't really set out to prove anyone 'wrong' - I think that's the wrong motivation, and may lead on the wrong reactionary course. But proving to yourself you can do something? That's gold. So trust in yourself that you can keep working towards something and that the path will emerge. I don't necessarily believe in self-belief actually, but I trust myself that if I try something and put the work in, it may happen. 4. Just add Time & the Three Month Rule. Think of things that you've done - maybe learning a sport, writing an essay, driving a car, cooking - something you have had to learn and practice. Of course you can't do it straight away, but with Time you can figure it out. I think Time is often ignored as a factor in achieving. Just because you can't do it yet doesn't mean you can't do it. My Three Month Rule. Neuroscience says that it takes 8-12 weeks to form a new habit. The past few years I've set myself 3-6 months to focus on one area of my life to change - to really learn something and then integrate it into my life. It's worked out pretty sweet. See: The Power of Habit, & Mindset books 5. Raise your vibration. As a DJ, my job is about energy. It's about raising, spreading, amplifying energy - through the songs and lyrics that I choose and fitting that to the vibe and energy of the venue and location. DJing for Yoga classes has expanded that understanding further, being in synch with the teacher and energy of the yogis in the room, and even sometimes the weather. Raising your vibration is being conscious of your current mood and then actively increase it - turn up the dial. Music physically is vibration - it's how your headphones or speakers reach into your ears, and then your brain turns vibration into electrical signals to interpret the vibrations into sound. But this vibration is also a 'message' - eg a sad song when you feel lonely or a dance track when you wanna jump about and celebrate! Words carry energy too - what I am writing to you has it's own energy and frequency. So actively curate your life and day to include practices that increase your vibration. 6. Self love, gratitude & Louise Hay. The Queen of self-love, Louise Hay, has been one of the biggest teachers for me to accept, love and appreciate myself, my body, and my life. After hours and hours of listening to her on youtube, that social conditioning and years of disrespect from others of 'you're not enough' etc, finally starts to go away and you can just feel at peace and happy within yourself. Appreciating the minutiae of life, and realising how many things we take for granted that are entirely for us - from our red blood cells carrying oxygen, to appreciation for having a bed to sleep in - these add up. Realising we don't have to be fabulous, married, rich or thin to be happy in ourselves is a real relief! Again, like programming good habits to learn a new skill above, I think this is about relearning better thought patterns to make yourself happy in the long-run. Try Louise Hay's Morning Meditation or Affirmations. 7. Law of Attraction, Alignment & Abraham Hicks. Another big teacher for me is Abraham Hicks (Ester Hicks), via YouTube or books. The main focus of getting into Alignment is focusing your energy on what you want to create and feeling that emotion of it. Vision boards, daydreaming, writing what you want in present tense 'I have... ', are all ways to focus your energy. The Law of Attraction is a spiritual law that 'like attracts like' so basically if you feel bad, more bad stuff with happen and if you feel good more good stuff will happen. That's why it's important to consciously intercept your intentions and mood to make sure that you aren't muddying your own waters, but 'keeping the glass clean' and make sure you are giving yourself the best chance at happiness and attracting what you want. Try Abraham Hicks Morning Meditation, or one of many videos eg Effortless Manifestation 8. The Secret (book or film). I have watched this a few times over the past 6 years, and I think it helps give an overview of the process of Law of Attraction and how our thoughts and feelings determine our actions and outcomes. It really amplifies the foundations that Louise Hay and Abraham Hicks have built in a comprehensive way, and shows examples of mind over matter. Whilst some people think it is too "commercial" I think that it is a good entry point for understanding this philosophy or operating system to help you achieve your goals and dreams, though I would recommend Louise Hay and Abraham Hicks for deeper work - as much of the Secret is based on this. 9. Surrender & the Art of Allowing. Give up. Give in. Allow. Receive. Once you put out your wishes and intentions, then you have to kinda just get on with life and forget about them! Because then you give the universe the space to manifest them and deliver them back to you. I have done this many times, and it is often a big reason for freaking out because things happen so. damn. quick. that I panic and push it away..!! Abraham Hicks talks about the Art of Allowing, because they say you need to receive gracefully what you have asked for. Sometimes things don't go to plan, but sometimes we get disheartened or need to learn a lesson, or something better comes along. That's when the Trust for the Universe/God comes in that it is for our highest good. 10. Polarity Healing. This is a form of Energy Healing which I started using 5 years ago in Bali, with a teacher called Jelila. I started using for others 2 years ago, and qualified as a healer myself in Bali with Jelila in 2019. Polarity Healing heals our false beliefs and polarities that cause us pain through cognitive dissonance, and unblocks barriers around polarities within us. For instance, I can understand the situation via psychotherapy, but not be healed from it. Knowing something can be healing in itself but it doesn't always heal the harm on an energetic level. Polarity healing - for me - really heals up and releases the energy wound. Unblocking polarities means opening ourselves up to behaviours that we may have shut ourselves off from - for instance, take anger and passivity. If you have been around someone who is angry, then you may have shut yourself off from anger, judging it as 'bad' but sometimes you need that spark to stand up for yourself, or launch a new project or idea - which if you are too passive because you have shut yourself off from that assertiveness, then you don't have that skill. Polarity Healing is one way that you can help regain access to your own inner abilities. 11. Angel Cards/Tarot Cards/Horoscope. Who doesn't check their Horoscope once in a while?! I find Astrology can be a helpful guide to create context for what is going on in your life (full moon, anyone?). Angel Cards or other types of cards such as Ascended Masters or Goddess Cards, can be really helpful to ask questions and provide loving advice, guidance and reassurance. Often the wording is wise and sound, and then you can figure out how to apply the advice to your current situation. Tarot cards are something I am a bit more wary of and I only use packs that are Angel Tarot or with someone I really trust to do readings as they can deal with different energies. So if you are interested, I'd suggest starting with Angel Cards and seeing how you get on with them, and then explore different types. And if having readings from someone else, make sure you can trust them. 12. Practice. Ultimately, everything is about practice, practice, practice. I felt a lot of resistance to most of these things when I started - because the voice in my head (some call it ego) would back-chat and be like, no you're not worthy, or I didn't really believe in things for myself. Seeing the impact these have had on my life and happiness and especially peace, means they are now parts of my spiritual self-development toolkit. Sure, I don't use them everyday but usually at least a few times a week depending on what I need at the time. Every spiritual person I know has their own practices and mindset. I think the key is to do a little bit in a safe way, and find out the ways that work for you. And just keep doing a little bit at a time, and I think the value really adds up and helps you live a happier, more peaceful, enjoyable and aligned life. Love, peace & parties, SKYDANC3R x
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